Wise Woman Radio

Silvia Pancaro

Ancient Healing Knowledge
Heal and Awaken with the Power of Sound

Susun Weed, herbalist and author, interviews Silvia Pancaro, creator of Moon Coaching.


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30 minutes on-demand, listen now or download MP3

Silvia is the creator of a specialized branch of personal coaching, which she aptly calls Moon Coaching!

Just like the Moon has many faces/phases, so does Silvia. Her roles in life are many, not the least of which include being a Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend, High Priestess, Student, Teacher, Source-eress, Writer, Artist and Adventurer!

Silvia Pancaro is a poet, writer and an archetypal astrologer using real life to initiate One's Self into the Inner Realm of Mystery with the goal of discovering the Infinite Light Within.

The goal of Astrology is to align with energetic opportunities in order to create a more satisfying result in our lives.  Using the Moon’s cycles, learn how to ‘tune in’ to a very powerful time of month.  New Moons are the time of the month for planting seeds into Universal Consciousness and for ‘new beginnings’ in the area indicated by the sign in which the New Moon is occurring.

Much like a farmer waiting for the most propitious time of year for planting seeds in order to yield healthy & abundant crops, YOU as a  co-creator on Earth, can harness lunar (and all Astrological) energy in practical ways. Utilizing the New Moon as a magickal time can yield fantastic results in your life, when you conscientiously work with these powerful energies. Interacting with Nature is a powerful way to live our lives!

High Priestess Silvia Pancaro:

Silvia has been studying, using & teaching Astrology, Tarot, Archetypal Imagery and various metaphysical and psychological practices for a lifetime.

Pix-newmoon150 Silvia believes very strongly that we are all Teachers to one another, so she prefers the term Facilitator’ for herself.   The word “facilitate” comes from the Latin root: facile, which means ‘to make easy.’

Learning Astrology & Tarot an easy and fun process with Silvia Pancaro.  She guides the students in culling the knowledge from their own life experience in a self- empowering manner by inspiring them to question everything and look inside for Answers to their Questions!

Silvia's  main goal in life is to educate people as to the Inner Genius that all children and adults have and how to access, recognize and nurture this Inner Genius in each and every Child that is born. Silvia's plan is to set an astrologically based curriculum in pilot schools throughout the USA as well as to develop individually designed curriculum  for home- schoolers, based on the child's unique Inner Genius.

Logo-MoonCoach-Silvia-Panca She has an intense desire (as well as goal) to change the way Astrology and Tarot are perceived in the world and intends on returning both to their rightful place in the echelons of Higher Education.

If you are interested in taking a condensed version of her unique "Celestial Archetypes" course, you may inquire about the weekend workshop version by emailing her. She also offers a weekend workshop format of Elemental Astrology and Alchemy, which you may learn about by visiting: www.ElementsOfAlchemy.com

Visit Sylvia and get an idea of her special monthly coaching practice by visiting: www.MoonCoach.com



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